A review by fluffy8u
Witch Child by Celia Rees


The last quarter of the book is what saved it from getting a 3 star review from me. It's pretty slow going for the majority of the book. Not a bad read, and that last fourth was pretty riveting. The ending was well handled for the "journal" format. I liked that questions went unanswered. A first person POV shouldn't really have all the answers and a journal surely doesn't need to have its endings tied up in a neat little bow, because life's not that way. I like that I'm left wondering things without it being an abrupt cliff hanger.

So, yes the ending is the saving grace of the story. Would I read the sequel, [b:Sorceress|300017|Sorceress (Witch Child, #2)|Celia Rees|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1394830402s/300017.jpg|1122314]? Sure. Why not? It's an easy read and I'm curious.