A review by itputsthebookupontheshelf
Court of the Undying Seasons by A.M. Strickland


Ok, I loved this more than I thought I would. This book is like Queen of The Damned meets Underworld but with the feel of the Volturi court workings from Twilight. I loved everything about it. It was dark and brutal, yet glorious and fun.

Fin was a fantastic character. I loved how she always knew exactly what she wanted, yet also allowed herself to see things for what they were and grow with the knowledge she took in. Nothing was an instant switch that was flipped, it was gradual and believable.

I was slightly annoyed with Gavron. I was irritated that he took Fin on, yet left her on her own instead of helping her every chance he got, though this is explained later in the story. I just wish we had gotten more interaction between the two in general. I did end up falling in love with the two of them by the end, as well as many of the other characters.

Kashire may or may not be my favorite character. The chaos that ensues every time he's in the scene is always entertaining, and I just genuinely enjoyed his personality. The way things change and evolve with him and Fin was an adventure all if it's own.

It was really interesting to watch everything pan out with our character group, finding out more about Fins mother and what was happening with the original vampires. I had a feeling and was right about some of it, but fully enjoyed the way the author played it all out.

This is a book I will enjoy time and time again. I just wish I had more of this world and these characters!