A review by spaceisavacuum
Living to Tell the Tale by Gabriel García Márquez

challenging emotional inspiring reflective medium-paced


Here's essentially a memoir, penned down by the hand of Marquez, and a hand, I should imagine, as steady as a coaster, you know, the sorta coaster that sits on a doily, and the doily sits on the table, and on top of the coaster is a glass of alcohol taken as prescribed, with ice or without, or in a mixer, anyway the point is Gabriel García Marquez is like that layer of hard knocks wood, knotted twine doily, cork tempered coaster, glass decanter for a sanguine temperament. 🍾

"I soon learned that telling stories parallel to the ones you are writing-without revealing their essence-is a valuable part of the conception and the writing." 

The best part about reading a memoir, as an observation in contrast of a biography that was written by a third party, is, whether you're reading a musician or director, actor or writer, they have what a book can offer that's partly true of life, and advices about the Art of writing, singing, whatever you'll have. Meanwhile the Thousand and One Nights or 'The Arabian Nights' is a good parallel to draw from this one magical realist- Scheherazade did, after all, "Live to Tell the Tale"- and at some point of life, I gotta wonder, am I living just for the reason, or how much more reasons do I need, to thwart death? 🐎

"Each thing, just by looking at it, aroused in me an irresistible longing to write so I would not die. I had suffered this on other occasions, but only on that morning did I recognize it as a crisis of inspiration, that word, abominable but so real, that demolishes everything in it's path in order to reach it's ashes in time."

But, por ejemplo, writing, as in poetry, 'dissolves into the soup of daily life.' it becomes commonplace. A writer does two things first & foremost: read, and write. & There's also plenty of living to do between. & The recourse to my dream is easily attainable, it's like effort given to compulsions: a tad bit o' impulse, and irrefutable composure. Eventually, the grain thinks of growing into a stalk, & it doesn't grow that way without being watered. Sunshine is what every writer will synthesize, cus everything that happens, happens below the sun. 🌞