A review by mackenzierm
Out for Blood by Alyxandra Harvey


Yet another great novel by Alyxandra Harvey! I am in love with this series. In every installment in this series thus far there's been some mystery or unlikely pairing that occurs, and Out for Blood was no different!

It took me a chapter or so to get used to the idea that Hunter was a girl. Every time I read her name I kept thinking she was a boy and had to think it through before continuing on! I thought that this novel in the series had a much greater aspect of mystery and suspense than the previous novels, what with many students at the Helios Ra Academy falling mysteriously sick with seemingly no cause. I don't want to give anything away so I'll leave it at that.

I love reading about the budding relationships in these novels. It's always so interesting, Hunter and Quinn make an exciting pair. I'm really looking forward to reading the next novel in the series, [b:Bleeding Hearts|9728843|Bleeding Hearts (Drake Chronicles, #4)|Alyxandra Harvey|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1309986854s/9728843.jpg|14617694].