A review by lilmatt050
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back by Dr. Seuss


By the time I was in the 5th Grade, Dr. Seuss was pretty much out of my life. Sadly I hated reading when I was in Elementary School and I blame it solely on my education. When I was little we had this reading program in which you take this computer test in the beginning of the year and based on how well you do you get put into a certain level like lets say you are in 4th grade with a 6.2 score which means that you are reading on a 6th grade level and after that test you are supposedly to check out and read books on that level or higher. After every book you read you had to take a quiz based on what you remember from the book.

If you past the test your level gets a little higher and you receive points based on how long the book is. The longer the book the higher the points like if you read Harry Potter then each book was worth 25 points. If you fail then it lower your reading level score. Some teachers didn't make it a requirement but unfortunately for me my english teacher expected 25 points each grading period and I remember for the last grading period you had to get 80 points which was practically reading two books a week from the start to the end of the final quarter.

At the time I didn't like to read because no one ever recommended me great books to read and on top of it all I have to take tests, put unnecessary pressure on me, and force me to read? No Thank You! I obviously failed all that reading junk but still passed the class because on how well I performed on english tests and assignments.

Why I am telling you all this? Well, at the time the only way to go to the library was when your teacher wasn't teaching, you finished your class assignment early and I would always love going to the library because it gave me time to get out of the class and enjoy the little freedom I had and plus my school library was absolutely stunning. With a few of friends one day we went to the library and somehow I found out that if you check out the required level of reading then you can check out any children books especially Dr. Seuss without the librarian judging you.

I went scrolling just for the hell of it and out of nowhere I found "The Cat in the Hat Comes Back". I was confused at first because I thought the Cat in the Hat was a standalone and when I read that this was a sequel, my whole world exploded and I immediately ran to the front desk to check it out because I wasn't going to let anyone touch that book except me.

After checking out the book I waited until I had free time to devour it and I absolutely loved it. I felt like I was put back into Dick and Sally's world as they try to deal with the Cat in the Hat. Even now as I reread this book it brought back warm memories and some may say that this does not live up to the expectations of the first book but I feel like we are meeting our long time friend that we haven't seen in years.

Dick and Sally are shoveling snow from the driveway because their mother is going shopping again. They never say it is shopping but clearly there has to be sale because no one in their rightful mind would leave two young children alone. Apparently the goldfish died from a heart attack after the 1st book because he doesn't appear in the sequel. While the kids are shoveling snow, the Cat in the Hat appears out of nowhere and immediately the children go into a panic attack.

Sally wants nothing to do with the cat but slyly he tells them he is only going inside the house to get warm. Once he sets his paw inside the house, all hell breaks loose again. Instead of using Thing One and Thing Two, the cat uses the equivalent of that which is Cat A, B,C. As the story progresses we meet more cats and together they spell the whole alphabet. It was cute story and how every time they found a solution to their problem, a bigger problem erupts right afterwards. I highly recommend this book if you enjoyed the first one.