A review by casperea
Black Ghost of Empire: The Long Death of Slavery and the Failure of Emancipation by Kris Manjapra


This book is filled with tons of important information that is so often suppressed from the public. Most people do not want to see the horrific things we have done and are doing to the African American community. We would like to think that slavery is in the past when it so clearly is not. There are residual side effects that sadly will continue unless we as a society decide to fix what was taken away from so many.

It was powerful to see the history of slavery the way Kris Manjapara wrote it. However, his book reminded me of a college textbook. The material was dense and took me awhile to get through. I am not sure if this occurred because the content itself was difficult or I was just worried about dissecting it for a term paper.

Special thanks to NetGalley.com and Scribner for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my honest feedback.