A review by entirelybonkerz
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo


Most of the time I usually run out of words to write reviews for books I really hated. This time I don't think I will have the right words to explain what this duology has done to me. I didn't think I could love something this much and here we are.
This is the reward for the time I spent listening to Alina being selfish and Mal being toxic for 3 entire books. These books made the whole Shadow and Bone trilogy worthy of existing, just because they led to this masterpiece. This is by far my new favorite duology of all times and my favorite read of 2021. Without a question. Without even considering everything I am still going to read this year.
Leigh made NO MISTAKES. ZERO. NONE. AT ALL. This woman delivered. I have read 25 books in the last 3 months and this is the first time I have cried. The first time I have ever felt my palms sweating while reading certain passages, certain missions. It's the middle of winter and I couldn't even control my own body temperature while reading this. Kaz wanted to bottle Inej's laughter so he could get drunk on it... I wish I could bottle this entire universe, get drunk on these characters and never have to leave this unbelievable world and all the feelings I have felt while reading this.
One of the most beautiful love stories I have ever read. Not just romantic love, these books are about anything that resembles love, pain, loss and acceptance.
I have so many passages and quotes saved from these books it almost amounts to the entire thing. Unfortunately when you experience something this strong the aftertaste is always bitter. I feel empty inside. I have the worst book hangover of all times and I don't think anything will top this. I really really hope Netflix will do this world justice. I will shed the same tears all over again. I hope it brings me the same breathtaking experience, I hope it cures my heartache and fills the emptiness these characters have left behind. Watching the TV show will be like hugging a long distance friend after being away from them for what it seems to feel like 20 years.
My heart has sunk. I feel like I have ben shot and stabbed multiple times. I can still hear the sound Kaz's leather gloves made when they rubbed against his cane. I can still feel Inej's silent presence lingering in the shadows, her saints watching over me. I can hear Nina's laugh and I can see her wavy hair bouncing right in front of me. Jesper's guns are still reflecting the sun light. Matthias wolves howl in the distance to this day. Wylan's red curls are as vivid as the brightest orchid. But don't pity me for too long.
No mourners, no funerals.