A review by racheln23
White: The Circle Series by Ted Dekker


Book 1 and 2 spoilers may appear here…

I didn’t love this series, but I was pleasantly invested in it. Book 2 was probably my least favorite. Book 1 was my favorite and book 3 was in the middle. I didn’t really get in to the dream world in book 1 until the end. Because book 2 had an abrupt and completely new dreamworld beginning, I also didn’t get much in to it until the end, and found myself feeling impatient to get back to the “real” world. However, the opposite was true in book 3. I found myself bored with the real world and just wanted to stay in the dream world. Book 3 read more like a typical fantasy book, which I preferred and felt made more sense and was more cohesive.

I felt that Ted Dekkar didn’t know where he was going when he was writing. It turned out okay, but there were some holes that really bothered me.

Here’s my beef list from least bothersome to most bothersome:
⬛️ Pairing Monique with Rachelle was okay until Thomas married Rachelle, and Rachelle died. It just became weird because you think Thomas is going to get with Monique, then he doesn’t.