A review by pandaintheshelves
Bored Gay Werewolf by Tony Santorella


Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review. 

So, I don't usually dive into werewolf stories because they often lean into that whole alpha male thing, which isn't my jam. But "Bored, Gay Werewolf" caught my eye with its quirky setup. Picture this: Brian, a twenty-something guy stuck in more than one sense, dealing with the usual life stuff... plus monthly werewolf transformations. 

Our protagonist is getting by, struggling with his werewolf side, and then this mysterious stranger shows up, offering him a way to manage it. To thrive, even, while being part of a community. Of course, things aren't as simple as they seem. 

One of the highlights of the book is the portrayal of friendships, particularly Brian's bond with Nik and Darby, which adds a layer of sweetness to the narrative. There are also some cool nods to performative masculinity and the pressure to fit in, all woven into Brian's journey. And I enjoyed the clever commentary on modern life and, including capitalism and wellness culture. 

I thought it was going to be on the comedic, campy side. And it does have a campy tone, but it doesn't entirely lean into it, which threw me off a bit. I like my campy stories the most over the top possible 😅. Also, there's a certain type of emotional detachment in the writing that didn't allow me to emotionally connect with the story. I understand what the writer was going for, but it's not something I vibe with. But those are personal preferences, so it may be different for some readers.

Overall an interesting reading experience, 4 🌟 out of 5