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A review by blossomingwish
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
this is my second Shakespeare play that i’ve read the first being Romeo & Juliet. I really this play and enjoyed the characters a lot. i have a hard time understanding Shakespeare though so i use the notes in the book or spark notes to help.
[contains spoilers]
Love my boy Horatio.
I like the way it starts off. You get introduction to the conflict between the countries and even though it’s not mentioned much i like that how it’s explained in the beginning.
Claudius gets on my nerves for obvious reasons.
Hamlet is a little shit and i love him. maybe he’s angsty because his dad died but i think he’s just dramatic and like this normally. he just has a valid excuse now.
The story begins only 2 months after his fathers death and Claudius is already king and with Gertrude. She didn’t have any time to grieve for her husband. Maybe she’s trying to keep it cool but idk a little sketchy to me.
It’s also really funny to me that King Hamlet just pops in sometimes as a ghost. i still am not sure whether he’s actually a ghost or Hamlet is on drugs or something.
Ophelia is the reason this book is 4 stars and not 3. I will not lie i definitely have a crush on her.
Hamlet and Horatio are gay for each other i do not take criticism on this.
As I’m looking through this again i’m remembering the videos my english class made and it’s making me very happy but also sad cuz i won’t ever be in that class again..
When Hamlet is trying to get w/ Ophelia and does some weird shit while she’s minding her business. He’s so freaking dramatic but has no idea how to actually express his feelings ahdkskdj.
Rose grants and Guildenstern were made fun of a lot in my class. For good reason tbh.
(off topic but I always start out these posts intending to sound professional then i give up because the characters are dumbasses and i have to make fun of them)
Hamlet then proceeds to have an almost 2 page monologue just because he needs to make sure everyone knows he’s the main character.
Then Hamlet’s to be or not to be? speech. This part is actually pretty deep and my class had some really good discussions about it.
“Get thee to a nunnery” will always be my favorite line. He’s like Ophelia I love you but also you’re a slut so get out of my face.
Ophelia telling her dad and Claudius about her love life is also freaking funny to me.
“Here, sweet lord, at your service.” -Horatio as he looks longingly at Hamlet. You cannot tell me that doesn’t sound gay.
Hamlet’s EXTRA
Everyone else’s reaction to said play? Spectacular.
Hamlet insulting Polonius and him not even realizing is amazing.
Him not killing Claudius because he’s praying so he’s worried he wouldn’t go to hell is FUNNY. Like it would’ve been so easy. But also a valid point, gotta make sure he goes to hell.
Then he freaking calls Polonius a RAT AND KILLS HIM. This is so funny I can’t even explain it ajbfeksndjsk. His mom is just like oops haha guess i have a dead body in my room.
Hamlet then insults him mom and stuff and gets her to not turn him in or something.
She thinks he’s crazy cuz he’s talking about his father’s ghost. I don’t see why, she’s just being a dumb mOM.
She IMMEDIATELY tells Claudius. I’m not surprised, just disappointed.
Then Ophelia gets sad and everyone thinks she’s gone mad. I honestly didn’t think it was that bad but maybe that’s just me..
When she’s singing about giving everyone plants and flowers *cottagecore *
Honestly i’m not entirely sure she Does drown but i’m not gonna get into my theories 1) cuz it’s 2am and 2) because i don’t entirely remember cuz i read this a few months ago
When the queen said that Ophelia just sort of let the water take her I weirdly found it peaceful. also it reminded me of my favorite part in Frankenstein so...
Hamlet going on a rant about some dead person in the cemetery. He’s trying so hard to be an e-boy and i respect that.
Him and Laertes then fight over who loved Ophelia more. (the video my class filmed for this scene was freaking hilarious and it’s all i think of)
Oh yea and before this there was something about Hamlet being sent away and shit but i honestly don’t rly remember that part.
Then Hamlet and Laertes have a sword fight and everyone else ends up dying.
Horatio is the only one left because he is superior.
[end of spoilers]
Overall I really enjoyed Hamlet. I hope that you enjoy this review and others i’ve done. I try to keep them lighthearted and funny while also actually talking a bit analytically about the elements of the book I enjoyed or didn’t.