A review by wendythegeekgoddess
Unwind by Neal Shusterman


"Unwind" is taken place after the second civil war which is fought for reproductive rights. The troops are split into to: the pro choice army and the pro life. As a peace treaty a compromise is made that suits both parties. From conception up until the age of 13 kids are not to be touched, however when a child turns 13 to 18 their parents can choose to have them "unwound" where all their body parts are donated to people in need and in some way the child always lives on, even if its in pieces. Unwinding has become a large and very acceptable part of society and three children whom become the main characters of this novel are set to be unwound. Rosa, a ward of the state is sent to be unwound simply because she just isn't valuable enough to be kept alive. Conner is a bad boy who refuses to live by his parents rules so they decide he cannot be controlled and must be unwound. Then there is Lev, a tithe which means he is a child raised for the purpose of being unwound. The 3 run away together fighting for their lives. This book was so damn good! It was full of constant adventure and thrill. The characters are extremely well rounded, the most being Lev. They aren't just "evil or good" but have sides of both just like any real person you meet. Lev seemed to be the most realistic because of the constant struggles within himself and changes in his personality just like those you see in a person. I loved this book and I can't wait to read the next one. The ending was perfect (not going to tie anything away) and I must say not many authors know how to end a book but Shusterman really nailed it!


1. [bc:UnWholly|13545075|UnWholly (Unwind, #2)|Neal Shusterman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1337871062s/13545075.jpg|13096117] [b:UnWholly|13545075|UnWholly (Unwind, #2)|Neal Shusterman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1337871062s/13545075.jpg|13096117] BY: [a:Neal Shusterman|19564|Neal Shusterman|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1246977170p2/19564.jpg]