A review by kellylacey
The Returning Tide by Liz Fenwick


Sometimes a book comes along and you know you were destined to read it. I purchased The Returning Tide in audiobook form. So I could listen whilst I worked. The problem was I was getting no work done. I was hooked from chapter one. I really enjoyed the audiobook version but I read faster so I took to kindle to read during the day and on my evenings I listened to the audiobook.

The book flip-flops from the 1940’s to 2015, it’s a lovely switch that I really enjoyed. We are taken from Cornwall to Cape Cod, having been to both placesI was lucky to be able to be able to have the advantage of remembering the smells and scenes from my travels.

I fell in love with the characters, the paths that life (Liz Fenwick) chose for them. For once I didn’t know the ending of the book, the big reveal was shocking to me. I am usually pretty sure of how a book will end, but not with The Returning Tide, I found it very refreshing that the outcome was not rushed and that I to had to go through the journey with Adele, Lara, Amelia, Bobby and more.

A definite highlight of my year, it’s truly fantastic. I cried, laughed and broke with the characters. I cannot wait to read Liz Fenwicks other reads

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