*from notion archive* Oh boy, you know what this was actually way better than I expected When i started the charecter seemed like an "im not like most girls" girl and she just kind of got on my nerves But when we got intoduced to some of the other chaerecters (im looking at you Asher and Roshan) and I started to enjoy it more The actual world building was facinating Now for the plot twist... IT WAS SO GOD DAMN OBVIOUS Like come on, thats not imaginative at all I thought it might be Kenn (the assistant) because it was a little out the box but it was so easy to guess why As soon as we found out that the brother was missing not dead i knew he was zero I AM intreagued by his motives though, I think that will be really intresting to unravel In conclusion, i get why louise loves this book, im excited for book 2 and I want more Roshan content