A review by aramtiaz
The Devil You Know: Stories of Human Cruelty and Compassion by Eileen Horne, Gwen Adshead


A beautiful thought provoking book written with such compassion for the people who have done the unthinkable and their families, victims and victims' family.

Gwen, a forensic psychiatrist and psychotherapist shares the stories of individuals who have committed horrific crimes, the process of working with them in a therapuetic setting, the importance of rehabilitation and the possibility of recovery. She emphasises the importance of compassion, human relationships and the use of faith assisting individuals to accept their crimes, overcome trauma and cultivate forgiveness.

Gwen touches on the important factors of systemic racism that leads to the higher percentage of ethnically diverse populations in prisons and forensic hospital and the impact of sexism and toxic masculinity on violence and its impact on a male dominated field and the justice system.

Gwen's curiosity and empathy for the unthinkable is inspiring and her regard for the family of perpetrators, the victims and victims' families shines through. She shares the compex psyche and severe mental illnesses that may have contributed to such violent acts as well as the impact of the justice system and prisons on an individual's mental health. Importantly, she brings up critical argument regarding the impact of our Government and policies on mental health services and how lack of resources for perpetuators, victims and families allow violence to continue to destroy many lives for the perpetuators and victims alike.