A review by mehsi
Allergic: A Graphic Novel by Megan Wagner Lloyd


I received this book from Edelweiss/publisher in exchange of an honest review.

I have quite hyped about this book for some time. Imagine my delight when I was chosen to participate in the blog tour + I got an ecopy of the book to read. This book feels like it will hit quite close home for me. A girl with tons of allergies, from food to animals to plants/pollen. There are enough non-fiction books about allergies, but there are not so many books for either children or adults featuring an MC with allergies in fiction setting.

I remember being a kid and classmates and friends having pets in all sorts of forms (which didn’t make visiting them easy), in the meantime my first pet was for years fishes. After that I tried hamsters and mice, which made my allergies flare up (some times more than others), but I just wanted something that I could also play with and cuddle with. These days I have hamsters and yes, my allergies flare up at times, feeling itchy, out of breath, sneezing, and more, but is it worth it? Yes. I got some cute babies, and I will take the consequences. My favourite pet, cats, well never going to happen, with medicines and all that I feel crappy but I can live, but medicines won’t save me 100% of the time. And riding a horse, something I have always wanted since I was a kid. Never going to happen. Not only the horse would give allergies, but also the dust of the place it stays in, the hay, and other things.