A review by lenoreo
Neanderthal Marries Human by Penny Reid



4.5 stars — There was a lot more to this story than I was expecting. I’m actually a fan of stories that address “what comes after the happily ever after”, and in a way that’s what we get here. I loved that we got to delve a little deeper into Janie and Quinn’s romance and see how they would tackle the next challenges in life. It was that extra that I didn’t know I wanted or needed.

First, the narrators: Jennifer Grace was just as enjoyable giving voice to Janie’s quirks in this one as in the first one. I once again loved her pacing, emotions, the consistency of her different character voices…just all of it. I will definitely look for more from her in the future. Sebastian York on the other hand is one whom I haven’t enjoyed as much previously. I will say that I didn’t mind him as much in this one. Whatever quality of his voice that bugged me in the other book didn’t bother me quite as much in this one. Basically he’s still not a narrator I would seek out, but he didn’t dampen the story for me this time. I think part of that is that he had less sections (it definitely wasn’t 50-50 with the female narrator). I still wasn’t super excited with his voice for Janie, but again…it wasn’t as bad as the other book. So yay! That means I don’t need to completely avoid him! 🙂 Trust me, that’s a win since he’s very popular.

All the fabulous aspects from the first book were present in the second: awesome nerdy humour; ridiculous situations; hot chemistry between Quinn and Janie; the best girl gang I’ve ever read. It wasn’t a reprisal of the first book, it was just MORE. And I loved all those aspects just as much this second go round. My favourite really is the tight knitting gang, and both their crazy shenanigans and their unwavering support of one another.

I think I laughed EVEN MORE in this book. And it wasn’t just the crazy antics….more often than not, it was little one liners from the wondrous brain of Janie. She would just surprise me and I would laugh out loud. Sometimes it’s the subtle humour that pulls me in more than anything.

And while the laughing was good, it was the heart in this book that really put it over the top for me. Pretty much everything surrounding Quinn and his parents, and more importantly what Janie gained from her new relationships with Katherine and Desmond had me tearing up on multiple occasions.

One thing I will note, I haven’t read many of the books in this series, and I’m trying to go through them in order. But I think the timeline in this one overlaps a LOT with book 2, so I’m not sure if I should have read that one first or not. I guess I’ll find out when I read it next.

So yeah. Great success. What really made me happy is that at this point I was just invested in our characters, so any little bits that bugged me in the first book just settled for me in this one, and I was able to just enjoy myself. It definitely makes me want to finish the series SOON SOON SOON!