A review by parklandmom
The Vow by D.L. Wood


5 stars! Read via Kindle e-Book. This is an area between novella and novel but I’m calling it a novel.

This was such a great read!!! I have added the author to my list of favourite suspense/thriller authors. This book kept me guessing which isn’t easy to do. I was getting close but didn’t know how to fit all the pieces together by the time of the reveal.

The beginning was baffling (in a good way!) and I was kept on my toes. There was a lot of action but also moments in between to take a breather and relax for awhile. I finished the same day with lots of interruptions, including having to sleep! I read half between midnight and 1:15am and then the rest in the early afternoon. My daughter accidentally knocked something over in the middle of the night and woke me up. BOY-OH-BOY, I had to settle my pulse after that!

I really liked the main character and her familial connections to the cabin, her attitude of friendship, her sisterly affection for Rex. She was a person who you couldn’t help but respect and feel for. She had taken hits and disappointments but she kept standing and fighting.

I can’t recommend this book enough and I am excited to read the new book in this series, The Offer. Thanks to Kav who recommended this series in her Kav’s Best Reads blog.