A review by laurenlanz
One-Punch Man, Vol. 4 by ONE


Saitama and Genos are such a great pairing; I love how their opposing personalities mix dry humour with wry enthusiasm.

This was another fun volume, though it mostly served to introduce a handful of new heroes like Stinger, Bang, tank-top tiger and Puri-Puri. The growing number of eccentric personas ensures that there’s never a boring moment in One Punch Man, despite what's happening with the plot.

My main complaint with this volume is the fact that the only gay character thus far is introduced to be a predator for comedic relief… I’ve certainly heard manga fans complain about this kind of stuff being the norm in a lot of series, though I’ve never encountered it for myself till’ now. I’m hoping there’s some more positive rep in the rest of the series, but I’ve learned from others not to expect much.