A review by bookswithdes
Reckless by Lauren Roberts


The banter, the tension, the flirting, the back and forth between enemies and lovers in this book was utter perfection. I enjoyed this immensely more than powerless, that’s not to say I hated powerless but it took me a while to get into. I am so excited for the next books including whoever the next novella will be about 👏👏.  Is anyone else like me just excited to see how the plot will go in fearless rather than being devastated by the ending?? Also, I didn’t mind the Kitt chapters 🤷‍♀️. Like I hope we get more of his chapters in the next book. Anyway, if you thought Kai was good in powerless, SHEESH, he was absolutely phenomenal in this one 😩. Like there is no doubt this man is a poet. He is a lover boy, no doubt. Kai and Paedyn are soulmates and no one can convince me otherwise. 

*honestly there were so many good quotes/scenes so there will be an ungodly amount*

<b> <u>Favorite quotes/scenes:</b> </u>

“I used to welcome the idea of drowning in those blue eyes of hers .But now, seeing the disdain she stares me down with, I realize that drowning alone wasn't what I craved, but sinking together.”

“If she is Shadow, then I am Flame. This girl is the very thing I can't seem to escape- can't seem to go anywhere without the remnants of her following. Where I am, she is. Whether it's in the flesh or in the fragments of my mind. And where there is a flame, there is always a shadow. She is my inevitable.”

"You promised to be my undoing. So, prove it. Prove it. Ruin me."

“I want her to fight me. I want her to burn for me, even if it means with hatred.”

"I'd like to knock your teeth in."
"Oh, but then I wouldn't be able to smile in that way I know you like."
"Smile all you want. I don't like anything
about you."
"I recall you liking the one that was meant only for you."

“And then she smiles, bright and big like the night sky hanging above us. I fear she could rival the stars.”

“Your clumsy footwork will be the death of us, you know."
"Well, you're not exactly the most encouraging person to be tied up with."
"Under different circumstances, I promise you I'm much more fun tied up." Hello???? 🤭🤭

“She tastes like a piece of the heaven I won't be going to. Kissing her is relief. It's a delicate sort of demand.
"I hate you."
'I know.”
"I hate you
"Prove it to me, Gray. Hate me enough to use me.” 😩

"It was a mistake. This one and the one before."
“The only mistake was not making it sooner.”
“No, the mistake was tasting you now that you likely won’t let me do it again.” 

“Jealousy looks good on you, Gray.”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Then you just look good.”

“He is a slippery slope that I am on the verge of tumbling down, a temptation that I know better to taste.”

“You going to kiss me, Gray or just continue admiring what you see?”
“Still contemplating drowning you, actually.”
“Oh, darling, I already am. And I am begging you to let me breathe you in.”
“I thought you never begged?”
“I’m getting used to it when it comes to you.”

“You’re not just a mission to me. You’re not just another enemy for me to find. You’re something even more terrifying.”
“And what is that?”
“A need.”
“I thought you had found your courage.”
“Maybe I’m fine with being a fool. So long as it’s for you.”

“Seeing her enjoy life makes surviving mike suddenly more worth it.”

It’s hard to believe something so beautiful would willingly stare at the likes of me.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m worthy of being seen.”

“You don’t regret it?”
“Good. Because I’ve always had a thing for short hair.”
“Oh, really?”
“It’s true. Among other things, of course. Short hair. Ocean-blue eyes. Twenty-eight freckles. And how tall are you?”
“Umm, about five and a half feet.”
“Five and a half feet. The terrifying ability to kick a man’s ass. Stunning smile. Ridiculously stunning. Hair like molten silver. Quick to threaten me with a dagger.”
“What’s next? A ballad in my name?”
“Are poets not just fools with fancy words? I think I qualify, darling.”

“Why won’t you fight me?”
“Because the next time I lay a hand on you, I only ever want it to be in a caress.”

“But I crave the sound of my name on his tongue. I want him to shout it from a rooftop, whisper it in my ear, trace it on my skin. I want my name to form a familiar shape in his mouth, tasting of my lips. I want him to own my name and still beg when he says it. Or maybe I just want him.”

“I can’t help but smile at the sight of her, so obliviously stunning.”

"Making me pretty, Pae?"
"As if you need help with that."
As soon as the words leave her mouth, she's pressing her lips together, regret coating her face. I smile at her in the way I know she likes, making her huff in annoyance.
"I always knew you thought I was pretty."
"Tell me, how is it that you've been able to resist me for this long?"
"Well, it hasn't been very difficult, Prince.”
"I find that hard to believe."
"Maybe cocky bastards just aren't my type."
"Then tell me who you want me to be for you."

"Yes, you. Something else I've always had a thing for. I had no choice in the matter. Do you think I could have stopped it if I tried?"
"Stop what?"
“Stop myself from falling in love with you!"

"Dammit, the minute you threw a dagger at my head, I knew I was done for. There was no longer a before you, only what I wanted with you.”

"I think I would fall on my sword if it meant you mourned me. And it's terrifying to think you hold that much power over me. You asked me what my favorite color was once. I'd never even pondered the answer to that question before you. And yet, I realized in that moment that it was blue. It is your eyes."

“Tell me you hate me, and I'll still count every heartbeat, every freckle, every shiver of your body, if only you say it with a smile. I may be a monster, but if you cut me, I'll bleed. And if you break my heart, Pae, you'll break me. So, if even a sliver of your soul longs for mine, I'll spend the rest of my life trying to deserve it."
"Maybe you really are a poet.”
"Or just a fool for you."

"None of it?"
"Darling"-he smiles-"I have never had to pretend to want you."

"Oh, but you are my undoing. My. deliverance. My downfall disguised as a deity. You are my ruin. Call us even. Call me crazy. I don't care. Just…Just call me yours."

“He is my anchor, and I am willing to sink, so long as it is with him.”

"No, I'm sick of running. And I won't spend the rest of my life doing it unless it's you I'm running back to."
"Then I'll spend the rest of my life tracking you down. Glimpsing you in the shadows. Fighting you in the streets. Dancing with you in my dreams. Because living without you is only bearable when I know you are out there still living too."

"You are my proof of a paradise.”

“This will be the rest of my life. Forced to love her from a distance. Mourn the loss of her each day. But I will. I will smother every emotion but the one that belongs to her. I will love her until I am incapable of the feeling. She is the torture I may not survive. Eagerly, she is my undoing.”