A review by luci_qf
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin


First time reading:
4.75 ✨

ahhh I finally finished it! idk why it took me so long but think it was because of the huge amount of world-building (which is amazing btw)
I started this series because the tv show is one of my all-time favs and let me tell you that this book did not disappoint!

✨(Spoilery bit)✨

The only reason I'm not giving this book a 5 star rating is because I am REALLY uncomfortable with Drogo's and Dany's relationship, I hate it so much and I'm very glad that it is over. I understand that back in the "old days" girls used to be wed really really young but I hate how I felt that whilst reading the book the goal was to make me like Drogo, I hate how so many fans love him even though he is a raper (Dany is a minor and can't consent). This would be really problematic if it weren't a book you read with the knowledge that it is written for a different time context.

I think my favourite character is Bran, in the show I love Dany and ofc I also love her here but I find Bran's journey so intriguing and exciting. I also love Arya!

The same as with the earlier seasons from the show, I freaking hate Sansa, she is so stupid (i know she is a child but