A review by abigail_lo
A Million Miles Away by Lara Avery


I finished this last night, and I remember literally nothing from this book. I'm not even kidding. Was Michele the one who was dead or alive? Is that even how you spell her name? It was that goddamned cover that hooked me in. Those lashes! The pose! Too pretty! So tempting! I should have known better the moment I read "for fans of Nicholas Sparks".As an actual review: This whole book is just one big, predictable, dumb decision. If you think you know how this book will end, don't worry. You definitely know.On the bright side, I read the excerpt for [b:The Memory Book|25988934|The Memory Book|Lara Avery|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1464285541s/25988934.jpg|45902883] in the back, and it's so good! Plus, that book's been getting amazing reviews, and Avery's writing was pleasant enough to make me finish the book, despite the utter meh-ness of the plot. Book, consider you

rself bought! (Except wait -- I'm still a broke high schooler with no source of income. Never mind.)