A review by readingadventures
The Midnight Star by Marie Lu


Judging the amount of people that felt underwhelmed by this final book in the trilogy, I might have the unpopular opinion just this once.
I loved this book. I felt connected to it, it gave me everything I needed from Adelina and her journey, and there was closure for our characters. Yet, the ending was not too neatly tied that it felt convenient and not realistic.
Now, I do believe this book has some flaws, and that I thought, more that once, on whether five stars was just too much. But, I think that all the way in which this story surpassed my expectations, in the end, carried more weight than anything else.
Along the things that I loved about this book were:

-Adelina. I don't have a lot of knowledge on how Adelina is perceived by other people readying this trilogy, and I think that's for the best. I think she is an amazing character, I love that she is complicated and so imperfect. I love that at moments I hated her but just as I thought that maybe she would never turn back from all the darkness claiming her, she showed that she still has light inside her, and that she still could truly love people, that her demons did not fully consume her.
-The Journey. From when the story started to the moment it was done, the journey as a whole was fantastic and epic, without being too overwhelming or complicated to remember the most important details.
- Magiano and Violetta. Their unrelenting love for Adelina and how their faith in her never died was amazing and heartbreaking. I love that they dealt with her so differently but they both constituted an important part in harvesting the light still present in Adelina. (they were also charming and adorable, both of them are my cinnamon rolls)
- The Daggers and Teren. I might have hated them at some point but I can't deny I felt attached to them once the story was over. I will miss them (Specially Raffaelle and... Teren... (don't kill me) )
- The connection between the Elites and the underworld (chilling)

Things I was not 100% happy about.
- Again, some of the secondary characters didn't get enough development.
- There were a couple of plot holes that annoyed me a tiny bit.

And so we have arrived at the part were I talk about my favourites and least favourites of the trilogy.
Let's start.

Favourite book in the series: The Midnight Star
Least favourite book in the series: The Young Elites
Favourite setting: The Underworld
Least favourite setting: Tamoura
Favourite couple: Magiano and Adelina
Least favourite couple: Guillianna and Teren
Favourite Male character: Magiano
Least Favourite Male character: The Kenettran King
Favourite Female Character:Adelina
Least Favourite female Character: Guilliana and Lucent (I just could NOT with either)