A review by thevintagechronicles
Gods of Mars: A Barsoom Novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs



This was much better than the first book, imo. Probably because a lot happens, and all of it was new, rather than rehashing what i knew from the movie.

However, it still has its flaws.
1- it’s still told as journal entries. This is a little baffling because as far as i can tell(maybe i missed something?) John Carter has been blasted back to earth, and it’s been 10 years. Im not sure what he’s been up to, but apparently talking to his nephew wasn’t it. So as he’s about to head back to Mars( how? Who knows-again, i may have missed something?) he points to his stack of notes, bids a hasty farewell to the nephew, and he is gone again. And so, as he reads away, we hear the story.

2- John Carter refers to himself as John Carter fairly often, and it makes him come across as ridiculously arrogant. Though, i don’t really feel that he actually is. It’s just an annoying trait from a long ago style of writing, I’m sure.

3- He seems to simply just know a lot of random Mars info, from obscure places, and i find this convenient. It’s also convenient that every enemy he captures/talks to spews relevant exposition and info to let him know exactly what he needs to beat them.

4- the gals in these books are kinda weak. Princess deja is a typical simpering female of the time. It’s just a minor irritation. The rest of the females in the story are no better. And of course all the princesses on the planet fall madly in love with JC, despite his being married already, and that they don’t know him at all. But again, the times. Sigh.

5- everyone on the planet is described as naked. This is just something that bugs me personally.

Oh, and, i dont really love the audio for this series. Especially irking are the female voices.