A review by theproficientreader
Crashed by K. Bromberg


If you love books with cheesy lines, this is a fucking 5-star read. If you eat, sleep and breathe New Adult, with all the typical angst and drama, this right here deserves a freaking Oscar.

"I want to be your motherfucking checkered flag, Rylee. Your pace car to lead you through tough times, your pit stop when you need a break, your start line, your finish line, your goddamn victory lane."

Just as beer is an acquired taste, this series seems to be a hit or miss, judging by my GR friends' ratings and DNFs.

When I first read Driven last year and I deemed it one of my favorites, I was at a point in my 'reading life' when all I could and wanted to devour was anything with lots of angst, fucked up characters, asshole heroes, and I was still even a bit partial to weak heroines. Lately, I've been trying to stay clear of those books (except for the asshole heroes bit, that is) so I definitely struggled with Crashed. However, I fought through it - the eye-rolling, the I-can't-believe-I-used-to-get-suck-into-this moments, and yes, even the skimming.

So, as much as I find it weird, I'm still giving this a 5-star rating. Why? Because in the end, this book made me happy. Isn't that the most important thing? No matter the disbelief that I felt at times, I still ended up smiling, and a hundred percent satisfied at how this series came full circle.

Game, set, match (lol wrong sport).

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