A review by bibliorama
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins


Technically finished this back in March, but final projects and move out from college really kept me from doing any reading. I'm still going to write a short review even though everyone and their mother has already read this. (This is more for me to look back on this book in the future)

When I first read this series I was in middle school, now I'm a junior in college. So, the difference in perspective really got to me during the reread because when I first read it I was younger than Katniss, and now I'm older than her. When I was younger, I looked up to her because she was a badass and she felt like that older cooler sibling. But now, rereading this, she felt so young. It really added to the whole messed up nature of the situations she was forced into.

As far as how I liked the book itself, Mockingjay is my favorite of the series (though I like all three). I like how the war effort mimicked the pageantry of the games with the propos and also the games themselves. I didn't realize that when I was younger, which also shows that I appreciated everything Collins was doing with the writing a lot more now that I am older. But, what I really enjoyed about this book was the focus on Katniss's mental state rather than all of the action. I feel like her reactions to everything in this book were how it would go down in real life. Plus, I've always been a character driven reader rather than action driven, so since I was invested in her character I didn't mind being taken through the different spirals of her thoughts. I will say she didn't have as much agency in this book as she did in the others, but I feel like truthfully that makes sense she was a prisoner in 13 like with the Capitol.
I do like how at the end she does take back her agency with killing Coin.

Anyway, I was in such a mood to read this series after I finished the books I binged the movies. I don't know what that says about my psyche for this semester, but the nostalgia was real and so was my satisfaction with this story.