A review by emilymahar
Black City by Elizabeth Richards


Black City is one of the best paranormal dystopians that I have read!

Because of the alternating perspectives, right from the beginning you are introduced to the two main characters. Along with the characters you're also introduced to two completely different lives and people. Ash is part Darkling, a creature that humans fear. Nathalie is the daughter of the Emissary, who is very powerful.

Throughout the story you continue to learn more about each of their lives and the government which controls them. I really liked how Ash and Nathalie's relationship doesn't automatically start with them liking each other. It is very gradual. In the beginning the two didn't even like each other. That is the kind of love story I like to read about.

The book focuses much on the, what I would call, "Darkling rights". Many of the humans are for the unity of Darklings and humans. This is the group that is going up against the government. I love how Nathalie is so different from her mother and wants things to change. You can tell that she is a great person and truly wants to help the Darklings. Deep down Ash is also a very sweet guy who loves his family, friends, and Nathalie so much. There is the perfect mix of action, romance, mystery and drama that makes this book so good!

The other characters such as Day and Beetle made the book more fun and less serious. Sebastian was a bit annoying at parts but deep down you can tell that he is truly evil. I actually felt for Nathalie's mom towards the end when she explains some things to Nathalie, but I feel like she's a coward. The characters were very well developed, with lots of backstories and all. I love getting to learn more about the character from the past, and this is just what Ms Richards did!

Overall, I loved how the author combined the paranormal romance with the dystopian so that neither felt like it was overpowering. The idea with the Darklings was unique and I loved it! I am so excited for the next book!!