A review by anotherhalima
Her Males by Invi Wright

the mfc is head strong which i like but she’s too naive and thinks she knows better than those more experienced than her. she doesn’t listen when needed and listens when she thinks it’s right. she grew up in her small house and never experienced anything else so why does she thinks she knows whats best? 

also what else are gray and silas supposed to do prove they won’t kill her? they have been very kind to her from the beginning. it makes sense to betray them for the women but to cont keep her distance not communicate????? i understand the need to stay away from aziel but them?? and to cheat on them for experience? may be inform them you want to experiment before settling down? the hypocrisy!!! she got jealous and mad at gray for pretending to be into shay for HER safety in book one and that was like three weeks of knowing. they’ve been together for months now! the least she could’ve done is talk to them about why she left and how she was feeling. don’t me started aziel had to do no grovelling to get her which is infuriating.

will cont but i’m not that interested in the war since up to now most of these two books have been relation orientated.