A review by pagepal
Beach Read by Emily Henry


While this book makes for a good comfort/fluffy read, it was quite a miss for me. At first, I thought perhaps it was just because of the timing, but really, it’s not. I read this when I was very much in the mood for romance.

Unlike People We Meet on Vacation, it didn’t leave a huge imprint on me, and I didn’t really get the feels I was looking for (as in no intense emotions involved). There were times when I would get tired/bored of the same cycle that Gus and January constantly fall into—their "close but not quite there” moments (also my exact feels on this novel); so when it came to the confessions, it wasn’t as satisfying for me anymore.

Having said that, there were still moments I enjoyed and cherished from this book. I’m giving this 3 stars because it wasn’t a total miss for me, and I would still recommend it to anyone who’s seeking a good moodlifter. Who knows, you may even love this book more than I did.