A review by ebbiebooks
Knot My Type by Evie Mitchell


4.5 rounded up

This book made me understand that I had been reading not so great romance novels all my life.

Sure, there's a whole bunch of smut, and some of the inner monologue is cheezy to say the least (which I made a point to remind myself, because otherwise I think this could be a true 5 stars), but the way the main couple COMMUNICATE, like ADULTS, it's the major turn on for me. I know see why everyone is so angry at miscommunication because I've been living in a reality where this wasn't really possible in romance, or even fiction. My standards have been raised.

The third act conflict makes sense, it was foreshadowed throughout the story, and the resolution had me in tears (yes, you can feel horny and cry while reading the same book). The way the sorority of the MC's friends came to help was a really nice bonus.

I also liked how most of the "big gestures" in the book were not exactly grand, but small things that had deep meaning.

Now, for the smut, I liked that the used of condom was integrated in the sexy time. As someone who dated a person with a similar disability as the MC, I also like how the smut showed that people who uses wheelchairs can still have a sex life, and a great one at that.

I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the series. I would love to see more of this kind of rep in romance and smutt, everywhere, all the time.