A review by bkelrod
A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon


The last two and half books have been like hey so the american revolution is coming! just so you know! it’s coming! oh my god guys the american revolution is like soooo close! the american revolution is like right around the corner! oh wow! it’s almost here now! we’re preparing you for it! like it’s coming! and this book was like at the END like okay it’s like sort of the american revolution now? i guess? and i’m like oh my god like can we just get to the american revolution now we’ve had like 2,000 pages of exposition for the american revolution. and THEN the end throws a whole big wrench in my plans and expectations and reminds me why i’ve read almost 6,000 pages of this series and why i’ll keep reading the other 3 giant books of this series because even though i still don’t know really what’s going on with the american revolution of which we have been waiting and preparing for, the storytelling and the characters and the books as a whole are just so fucking good.