A review by evandegrift1
Housebroken: Admissions of an Untidy Life by Laurie Notaro


I wanted to like this book. The description sounded awesome. But much like many other “humor” writers, this author uses long rants about everyday things that we all deal with and passes them off as funny. I didn’t laugh once while reading this. Many chapters start off talking about one thing, then she gets distracted and goes off on a tangent about something completely different. By the time you get back to what she was originally talking about you have forgotten about what it was. I’ve noticed that many of these writers claim to have some kind of mental health issue. The authors prescription to Ativan along with her fondness of wine are mentioned many times. She seems to think that everyone in the world should change their habits and interests to suit her. Maybe the mouse shit in her shoes is from the fact that her house is apparently a hog sty..... And not because someone in the neighborhood has chickens. Also, if you need to spend more than 2 seconds choosing which food to put in your body, find another grocery store because she needs to stuff her face with ham and frozen waffles NOW! No time to lose!

I couldn’t even finish this book. It’s awful. No wonder her father unfriended her.