A review by deafchipmunk
ヴィジランテ -僕のヒーローアカデミア ILLEGALS- 8 [Vigilante: Boku no Hero Academia Illegals 8] by Hideyuki Furuhashi


This is the second Vigilantes volume I've read, and I personally enjoyed it!

I love Shirakumo right of the bat, he reminds me of Mirio and Kirishima mixed together, and I love both Mirio and Kirishima so I obviously adore Shirakumo. His character design is one of my favourites in the MHA verse, and his personality is on point. I also liked the inclusion of Aizawa and Present Mic in the volume too, aswell as Koichi, C.C and All Might who were at the start of the book.

The drawings were great, none of them were pixelated like Vigilantes volume 9, the writing was good and wasn't OOC, and the sketches in between the chapters had me hooked. My favourite was the one at the end with the 2 sketches of Shirakumo, one by Horikoshi and the other by the illustrator of Vigilantes, Betten Court! They both drew him really well.

I definitely recommend trying this series out if you've read/watched My Hero Academia! Although start from volume 1 so you don't get confused <3