A review by booksuperpower
The Memory House by Linda Goodnight


Everyone needs to read a good old fashioned story about redemption, hope, and second chances from time to time. With the world always focused on negativity it is refreshing to read a story that depicts normal people who made mistakes or suffered loss find a way to turn their lives around for the better with a little love, faith and trust. We all need second chances in life at times but sometimes that task requires a little more courage than at others. Julia's ability give Eli the benefit of the doubt made all the difference the world and helped him recapture his self-worth and boost his confidence, not only in regards to his relationship with Alex, but with Julia too.

Julia has a lot on her plate, but finds in Eli a quiet strength that convinces her he is a good man, and one she can lean on, who will listen patiently, is kind, and is falling hopelessly in love with her.

The old Civil War letters and Charlotte's story was very authentic and well written, but harsh and sad at times. But, you will love Charlotte's fortitude and her son Ben will capture your heart.

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Title: The Memory House

This story has a little bit of mystery, a slight paranormal tint, a little bit of history, and a sweet contemporary romance. This story is a clean read and could be read by older teens and young adults as well.