A review by katleap
Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions by Melissa Marr, Rachel Caine, Kelley Armstrong



Overall I really liked this anthology. I had read/had heard of most of the authors before I opened it. So it seemed like a good bet and it didn't disappoint. *Spoilers ahead*

Claudia Gray, Giovanni's Farewell - I haven't actually ready any of Ms. Gray's work yet but I have heard of her. I liked this story a lot. The idea of special twins is awesome. I would have liked a longer story so that I can sympathize with Ravenna a bit more. She comes off a bit abrupt but the ghost idea was lovely and the way Cairo backed up his claim. Awesome. 4 stars.

Carrie Ryan, Scenic Route - I read Carrie Ryan's 'Forest of Hands and Teeth' and i didn't love it. (blame it on the fact that I am so uber picky about straight up horror and zombies (aka people that aren't really people anymore). I do just about everything else but zombies creep me out.) That aside I liked this story a lot. I connected with Margie right away. Her paranoia was totally understandable and the way she connected to Calvin was believable. I loved the way sally totally kicked butt. Calvin's question "would you kill me for her" and Margie’s response, priceless. 4 stars.

Kami Garcia, Red Run - Loved the idea of ghosts and catching them. I liked Tommy. I really really would love to know what happens next. 4.5 stars.

Jackson Pierce, Things About Love - Ms. Pierce has been on my to-read list and I must now go investigate. I just wanted to give Lawrence a hug. He needed one. I liked Juliet and her investigation into what made love so special. I really want to know these characters better. 4-4.5 Stars

Rachel Vincent, Niederwald - This one has me a bit flip flopped. I read most of the Prey books but didn't finish the series because I had issues with the main girl (like OMG get a clue and figure it out you stupid ******). I love the premise of this story. Sabine is a nightmare and had most certainly not been domesticated. Syrie was awesome and I want to know more about her. It was actually Emma (the best friend of the girl is the girlfriends of the BOY) who stole the show. She came to the rescue, fought for herself and Sabine and totally is not a pushover. I think Sabine is a bit obsessed (like almost scarily will come back to destroy her and ruin all lives of people involved obsessed) but without actually reading the whole story I can't judge too much. 4 stars overall. 4.5 for Emma.

Melissa Marr, Merely Mortal - Have these books. Love these books. Adore Keenan and Donia, (especially Donia). Love the way they solved the video problem. 4.5 Stars.

Kelly Armstrong, Facing Facts - I have a love/hate relationship with this world. Sometimes I really like it and other s I absolutely hate it. Read the first book of this world, haven't read the other two but I liked Chloe and Derek. So it was good. 4 stars

Sarah Rees Brennan, Let’s Get This Undead Show On the Road - Another love/hate. Love the vampire band. The beginning was a bit kooky. Loved the Christian and family issues. Adored the Christian and Band issues. Found Lucille weird. Kidnapping awesome and Bradley was a kick. 4 Stars.

Jeri Smith-Ready, Bridge - This one made me cry. I almost skipped it and was so glad I didn't. It hit exactly the right notes for mourning and moving one and regret and bitterness and hope. It hit them all and I am such a sucker for a well done melancholy/tragic story with a tiny dash of 'is that light' at the end. I actually read it twice too. Although the poetry format did absolutely nothing for me. 5 stars.

Kimberly Derting, Skin Contact - The potential for this one was through the roof. It could totally be prologue for a book. One that I want to read. How does Sophie's death affect the rest of Rafe's life. Cause it will. It was awesome.

Ally Condie, Leaving – This one was weird. The idea of living in bubbles and the outside is dangerous, fine. The untouchable status, cool and I’m good with it. But the rest was weird and I’m not sure how much I really liked it. 3.5 stars.

Jessica Verday, At the Late Night, Double Feature, Picture Show - I liked this one. The girl scouts were weird. I loved the family of hunters idea (and the possibility that her brother really does know what she’s doing). The vampires (defanged and totally rocky horror) stole the show. I spent the whole story singing Rocky Horror Songs (I blame Glee). The bleeding boy on the table, the scared vampires and the resurrectionist. It was out there but it was funny and it clicked. Although David losing his leg was odd and bit much. On a whole it was great. 4.5 Stars.

Margaret Stohl, IV League – This story was not my cup of tea. The only thing I really liked was the end where they got into the school and took the dog with them. Other than that I didn’t like it at all. 2 Stars

Mary E. Pearson, Gargouille – This story was depressing. I liked that Giselle and Etienne got to be together in the end but the whole losing their wings and then their memories was sad. 4 Stars.

Jennifer Lynn Barnes, The Third Kind – I liked this story and I want to know how it ends. Do they go straight to the Mojave Desert? Do they meet Ariel again? Is there an actual name for the third kind? What about the black kind? And what happens in the end? Great start. Now I want more. 4 stars.

Rachel Caine, Automatic – I haven’t read any of her Morganville vampire series but I have her weather warden series. I did not like Oliver at all. I think that I might go investigate this series though. 4 stars.