A review by alienor
The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner


[Edited with my favorite SPOILERISH quotes - hidden behind a spoiler tag, because I'm not a monster]

4.5 stars, rounded up because...well, if you must know, because Eugenides. Hellooo, name's Anna, I just finished [b:The Queen of Attolia|40158|The Queen of Attolia (The Queen's Thief, #2)|Megan Whalen Turner|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1293505506l/40158._SX50_.jpg|1124161] and my mind is utterly blank.

I'd say I'm speechless, but everyone knows that I always confuse talking with breathing so nope, not happening. However I am genuinely sorry but I don't think I'll be able - or even want to - put my thoughts into words this time. First because there are many outstanding reviews out there already, given that I'm late to the Gen-is-awesome party ; the second - and perhaps the most important - reason would be that I want to warn you, yes, YOU THERE, you who haven't read this series yet, and who wander oblivious, unaware of the merits of this little gem, you, I strongly advise you to stay clear from any review and savor these novels blind. (she says, after providing links to other reviews... the irony is not lost on me XD) Trust me, the experience will be better (why am I under the impression that I'm some sort of dungeon mistress here, that I do not know).

If you really need a little more incentive, trust this : [b:The Queen of Attolia|40158|The Queen of Attolia (The Queen's Thief, #2)|Megan Whalen Turner|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1293505506l/40158._SX50_.jpg|1124161] is splendidly plotted, its word is inhabited by characters you will adore and want to protect under fire (when you won't be strangling them, but), including strong women (yes PLURAL), a poisonous snake (I KNEW HE WAS A SLYTHERIN COME HOME GEN BABY) and a minister of war who doesn't know that he's hilarious (to me), the writing... well do tell, what can I say about a writing so compelling that I've read the damn book in a few hours, barely stopping to eat? Huh?

Now if you would excuse me, I might forget to look at my watch (3:55am, dammit!) and maybe start [b:The King of Attolia|40159|The King of Attolia (The Queen's Thief, #3)|Megan Whalen Turner|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1293505327l/40159._SY75_.jpg|847545], because if you should know something about me, it's this : my restraint is so thin, I wouldn't see its threads if I looked at them in full light, and I'm not one bit ashamed.

My favorites ""quotes"" (more like scenes) are full of BIG spoilers, so don't look at them if you haven't read the book, but aw damn, I love these characters so much <3


"Bending over Eugenides, she grabbed his head by the hair above his forehead and twisted. Eugenides's eyes opened, and his feet trashed in panic. Looking up at her, with her face filling his field of vision, he stopped moving as if suddenly paralized.
"Goatfoot," she said, "do you understand what is going to happen to you?"

I guessed at this moment that she was wearing his earrings, and I was not so discreetly cheering like a maniac XD

"Attolia snapped, "You have any mistresses and I'll cut your other hand off."
Besides her, Eddis stiffened. Attolia raised her chin to meet the look that her seneschal had said would melt lead. Eddis opened her mouth, but before she could put her thoughts into words, Eugenides laughed. Laughing, he dropped his head onto the bed; then he looked up to grin at Attolia.
She looked back at him, and her cheeks flushed. She said, with sincerity, "You are a poisonous little snake."

Eeeeeeps I defy you to not smile at this part <3

"I did that next. She said there would be a hunting party leaving this morning; perhaps I'd like to join."
"And?" Eddis asked, looking at his arm. He hadn't ridden well enough to hunt on horseback even before losing his hand.
"I told her I'd already been hunted in Attolia, thank you very much."
"Oh, Gen," sighed Eddis."


"Nooo," he said, and he looked over at her. In his eyes Eddis saw a hint of something she couldn't remember having seen there before. Panic.
"I didn't think about being king," he said, his voice hoarse, either from worry or from the bruises around his neck.
Eddis stared. "Your capacity to land yourself in a mess because you didn't think first, Eugenides, will never cease to amaze me. What do you mean you didn't think about being king? Is Attolia going to marry you and move into my library?"

I'll never stress enough how much I love their siblings dynamics.

"What will you do now?"
"Oh" - he tried unsuccessfully to keep the tremor out of his voice - "grovel, I suppose."
"I've heard you do that before," said Attolia, briefly amused in spite of herself.
Eugenides swallowed. "That was begging," he said with a better effort at lightness. "There wasn't much opportunity from groveling last... time." He stumbled, then added evenly, "I am very good at groveling."


"Eddis looked at her minister, curious. "Your head? she asked.
Attolia explained. "He had to be forcibly dissuaded from strangling his son."
"So have we all from time to time," Eddis said seriously.
One of Attolia's eyebrow rose in carefully conveyed surprise. Eddis took not of the expression, amused to have found at last, she was certain, the original of the look Eugenides had copied. She smiled.
Attolia hesitated, then smiled herself, very briefly. In her expression Eddis saw hope for her Thief, and her heart lightened."

Damn, there are TOO MANY, I'll need to update this later, because Gen's waiting^^

PS. Am I the only one wondering how old Gen is, exactly?

My reviews for the other books of the series :
۩ Book 1, The Thief ★★★★
۩ Book 3, The King of Attolia ★★★★★ [ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS I'VE EVER READ]
۩ Book 4, A Conspiracy of Kings ★★★★

For more of my reviews, please visit: