A review by samanthawattam
Vampire Slayer by Sho Murase, Sarah Kinney, Stefan Petrucha

dark mysterious slow-paced


Synopsis: Set in River Heights, Nancy Drew’s hometown - there is a new boy in town Gregor Coffson who is living at the vacant Benson Estate although Nancy’s friends fear he is a vampire!  When Gregor approaches her for help her natural detective instincts kick in how can she refuse fangs or not! 
Review: A graphic novel of which I haven’t read that many to date, it has a very blue theme which is a bit samey.  I found the graphic style bit dumbed down/lazy in design the facial features not well defined.  The story is okay.  It ends on a cliffhanger so there is a Part Two which I will of course have to finish at some point fortunately eBay is my friend :)