A review by depressyspice
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab


oh wow where do i start,, i still cant see through my tears, this goodbye is a hard one

first my adoration for the author's mind bc never a work of theirs disappointed me, a creativity beyond worlds and im so thankful i was able to read them, just wow x 34865384 times more

secondly, the universe of shades of magic, VERY beautiful details, one of the magic's most unique kind, no wonder how deeply i feel connected to this world, its been a long while since i felt this way about a fictional universe i am mesmerized

for the third and most importantly, for me, the characters, i feel like i have a new family now; kell, rhy, lila, alucard, holland and countless amazing side characters, i will hold on to them dearly ~~

i dont write long often but im too emotional rn so ,, the only thing left to say now is, ANESH