A review by terangbulan
Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver


omfg omfg omfg omfg

Ok, inhales, exhales

Wow, wow, wow

This book is so beautifully written i wish i can write like Lauren Oliver, every little movement or sense is described perfectly. Ugh. I'm so jealous.

In the second book, we are introduced to the new Lena. The Braver, Polished and non-sensitive version. We see the other side of her. In the second book, Lena speaks up her mind and does not always follow the rules, which is so different from the first book.

WARNING: omg the ending IS A MAJOR CLIFFHANGER I TELL YOU. I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL FEBRUARY 2013!! Julian...Alex...OMG lauren oliver why are you doing this to me. For those who wants to read it, get ready for a major cliffhanger. I SCREAMED after i finished this book and i was SO MAD cuz i finished in 2 days and i have to wait 7 months for the next book. ugh. wth.

One more thing...

The ending..