A review by nerdyprettythings
The Deviant's War: The Homosexual vs. the United States of America by Eric Cervini


This book is incredible. I learned so much about the history of the gay rights movement, especially pre-Stonewall and DC-based organizations. Eric Cervini did an amazing job of taking both a very high level view and making this feel so personal. The sort of main figure of the book, Frank Kameny, was a sought-after astronomer who was fired for being gay in 1957 and banned from working in the federal government. He spent the rest of his life organizing gay rights movements and serving as a counsel to other fired federal employees. The book also highlights a host of other characters and the related history and civil rights movements that were all fomenting at the time. Cervini also never shies away from showing where the mostly white, mostly male members of these organizations excluded and let down Black and female members of the community, and how different figures had varying priorities.
The audio is very well done, but after finishing it today I went out and bought the book to have easy access to the index and reference materials. I will be thinking about this one for a very long time.