A review by vishnu_r1
Son av ljus och mörker by Guy Gavriel Kay



Good, but not what I quite expected. As I'd mentioned in the review for #2, Arthur and Lancelot seems redundant to the story. They're just there for the author's sake I guess. That could've been and should've been avoided. It adds nothing to the story. The ending with Rakoth and Darien seemed rushed. All these antagonists who are gods seem to die just like that. I've not yet read a book I've enjoyed where this has been well thought out. It's sad because the series has such excellent characters and some of the space has been wasted on redundant story lines or characters (The Hunt for example. The dragon is another such wasted few pages). Matt and the dwarves is an example of a well written and necessary completion to the story orc of a well liked character. Kevin's is another. I still don't know what to make of Paul and Jaelle.

If someone wants to see what the author can do with a small set of characters, the first book (The Summer Tree) and Tigana are good examples.

Other than these, the writing and the rest of the story lines are good. Diarmuid's
Spoiler death
was quite unexpected, but only served to enhance his persona. So overall, a slightly less than satisfying end to what started out in The Summer Tree as a fantastic series. I still enjoyed it in spite of its shortcomings. So 4*.