A review by bookishrealm
C Is for Country by Lil Nas X.


I think I was just as shocked as everyone else when Lil Nas X decided to come out with a picture book. But...it was really good! Thank you so much to Random House Kids for sending me a copy for review. All thoughts are my own.

C Is for Country is a fun and interesting concept book that focuses on the alphabet. True to Lil Nas X's creativity, this book definitely shows how much fun he had creating this book. As a librarian and a parent, I'm used to seeing the "typical" words used in alphabet concept books, but I can admit that the words utilized for each of the letters were fun and different. There was a focus on what Lil Nas X liked to do as well as a focus on family and I appreciated that. The artwork was good. I think that a lot picture books are moving towards more graphic designed artwork. The colors were vibrant and rich and it was cute seeing Lil Nas X characterized as a little kid. Clearly this is a play on his song "Old Town Road" which kids absolutely loved upon released. As a result, I think that they'll really appreciate and enjoy this book.