A review by reeminbooks
Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker


This is probably the first time I've ever finished any kind of non-fiction book, as I usually read little of them every now and then. But despite me taking about a month to actually get through this, it was truly interesting and very eye-opening.

The book discusses the exact science behind sleep and how important and vital it is in a way that's very easy to understand. At first I thought I'd have a hard time understanding most of the scientific stuff in it, but was surprised by how easily everything is explained. It talks about everything from what sleep actually is, to how and why we sleep, to dreaming, and to the harmful effects lack of sleep cause us.

I've always low-key knew that sleep was an important part of our lives, but honestly I've been completely neglecting that part, especially during the last year (maybe a little more).. but after reading this book, I'm surprised I'm still alive at this point, let alone -sort of- able to function with my awful sleep habits.

It's really horrifying the things lack of sleep and sleep deprivation can do to your body and mind, from physical and/or mental damage, to serious and/or fatal illness. I was always one to brag about how little sleep I was getting, but now I realize just how bad that sounds.

The fact that simply by sleeping your body and brain can recover from so much of the physical and mental strain they're subjected to during the day is still astonishing to me.. Essentially your body can pretty much heal itself (to a certain extent, but greater that what you might expect on the long run), clear your brain just by giving it a decent night's sleep.
I've been trying to sleep better ever since I started reading this book, and I can honestly say I've been really feeling the difference lately. Never again will I skip a good 8 hour sleep if I can help it!

Something that I'm finding really concerning though is how apparently no one ever talks about how important sleep is. Something as important as this, should definitely be addressed and taught much, much more.

Overall, I'd highly recommend this book if you've ever had any questions about sleeping, or if you're curious to see how important it really is yourself. (P.s: this is not a self-help book).