A review by tessa_talks_books
Christmas Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella


Get ready to make a cup of hot cocoa, put on your comfiest PJs, and read the night away with Sophie Kinsella's latest installment in her Shopaholic series that began with Confessions of a Shopaholic 16 years ago. Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) is back in England and finds herself host to the family Christmas gathering. The fun begins as she tries her best to meet the request of the 8 people plus 4 kids who will be descending on her house for the holiday.

What I Love About Christmas Shopaholic

The characters are deceptively well-developed. When you think of this series, you probably first think about the comedic antics that drive the plot. But what I first think about is what a complex character Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) is. She appears very superficial, at first, until you begin to glean the motivation behind her antics. She has a heart of gold and would do anything to help those around her, from her determination to procure the perfect gift to her giving a child in need a costume she has slaved over for her own daughter and the myriad of good deeds in between. She always leads with her heart. It is what fuels her determination, which inevitably creates the fun we all know and love.

Luke, her foil of a husband, appears to be almost a father-like person in her life. He is successful and wise and makes decisions that are well thought out and logical. AND, Luke loves Becky, not despite her antics but because of them. He understands her as few people do, seeing how she leads with her heart and protecting it whenever it needs protecting. She adds spontaneity and unabashed love to his life, which is something unknown to him before she arrived.

"And then I can't speak, because Luke has enveloped me in a tight hug. In fact, so tight I can hardly breathe.
'There's no one like you, Becky,' he says against my neck, his voice husky. 'No one in the whole wide world.'
This is something Luke says to me quite a lot. And sometimes I'm not sure if he means it in a good way or a bad way. But right now, I'm fairly sure it's in a good way."

The Lucille Ball style antics keep me turning the pages and literally laughing out loud. They are antics the reader can totally relate to – such as finding more to buy so that you get free shipping, even though they are not objects that you want or need. But, of course, Becky takes it one or two steps further. As when she ends up with a pair of grotesque statues that are very large and very scary but that she can't return because they were made by a group in need.

Becky has to host Christmas this year, and all that she goes through to make it happen totally put me in a holiday mood. I'm ready to get everyone words for their Xmas presents and watch hours of Hallmark movies.

What I Wish

I can't imagine anything that would make this series better than it already is.

To Read or Not to Read

You must read it. If you appreciate a bit of tongue in cheek fun and need some holiday spirit, this book will be a welcome addition to your holiday preparations.