A review by jonisayin
Babbit by Sinclair Lewis


While Babbitt was a bit tedious, Lewis has put together a satyre of humans likely conformity for the purpose of existing in small town America, (and probably every other small town in the world). We not only WANT to fit in - we have to fit in.

George Babbitt - mid 40's, a bit pudgy and possessing all of early 20th century cliché maleness goes about his mid life crises in totaly expected motions. He is a self important braggart who regrets the loss of his youthful enthusiasms. He circles back to his socially rebellious attitudes, has an affair and even tries to "dress" like his younger self. Only to find that he will be, and IS punished for stepping out of the expected conformity. He grows, but he also settles back into his "place". A little less judgmental for the growth.