A review by ipross
Lost in the Beat by Gracen Miller


I admit it… I’m guilty. I own all of Gracen Miller’s books, but time constraints being what they are, I haven’t gotten a chance to read them. Bad, Iris! I think she is a great person and now I can tack on a fantastic author. From the moment I picked up Lost in the Beat I was hooked. Have you ever read a book that engrossed you so much from the very first page that you lose all track of time? Well I have and Lost in the Beat has moved to the top of that list. I picked it up at after the children had gone off to bed and settled in for a couple hours read. At least that was my intention. Reality is that several hours later my eyes are feeling gritty, I’m thirsty and when I look up, the clock reads 4am. Do I put the book down and get some sleep? Screw it… sleep is over rated. Back to the book.

There are any number of words to describe Jase. Having not read the first book in this series yet (yes, I said yet because I fully intend to) so I had no preconceived feelings or ideas about his character. Starting with a clean slate, I had the opportunity to see a beautiful side a person everyone kept referring to as the womanizing, bad boy rock god. Actually, I’m pretty sure even he refers to himself as such once or twice. That being said I fell in love with his character. The interactions between Jase, his sister, Fang and the rest of the band cemented it for me... this man is a keeper. If only Fallon could see it.

My only pet peeve, if it can even be called that is he claim that filing a paternity suit was the only way she knew how to find him. I call BS on that one. She obviously knew how to find his lawyer, therefore, she knew how to find him if she truly wanted to tell him. With that out of the way, the sweet natured romance between Fallon and Jase is enough to soften the heart of even this hardass (and yes, I have been referred to as such on multiple occasions). Although not lacking in sparks and with enough chemistry to blow up Times Square, Miller wrote us s a story where the characters take the time to actually get to know each other not just jump in to bed together the first time they’re in a room with a flat surface.

If you have not read Lost in the Beat, I recommend you run out and get it ASAP, you most certainly not regret it. While you’re at it, you may want to pick up book 1 in the Hot Wired series, Rockin’ the Heart. I have no doubt that if book 1 is half as good as book 2, it will become one of my all time favorites that I will be pulling out for rereads several times.

***** I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review, but I went out and bought it anyway. Yup.. it was that good.