A review by colossal
The Darkest Road by Guy Gavriel Kay


This review is from my reread of this series in 2015/16.

As I said in reviews for the earlier books of this series, it's very hard for me to be objective about these books. They were formative works for me and as a result I reread them regularly every decade or so. Fortunately, I don't feel I have to with this one. By this point in the trilogy all the clumsiness associated with the portal fantasy aspect and the extended exposition elements is long gone. Most of the effort here is to resolve the setup from the first two books satisfactorily.

There are fantastic set pieces throughout, from the rescue of the Paraiko, to the drama at the Anor Lisen, to Lancelot's battle, to Calor Diman, but the ultimate battle between the forces of the Light and the Dark contrasting with Darien's road is just transcendent.

Finally, if this is your first exposure to these, I'll give you a hint that I wish someone had given me years ago: go read [b:Ysabel|104078|Ysabel|Guy Gavriel Kay|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1439575244s/104078.jpg|100357].