A review by ikandree
Dirty Bomb: In the name of God by Colin Knight

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
Why I DNF'd this book is bc I simply wasn't relating to the characters nor did I necessarily care about them.  Why I would have given this book a terrible review (based on the 1/4 of the book I had read) was that there were more than several spelling errors.  That may seen trivial but for a book to be published, this should not have happened.  Further, and I am not an aficionado in military terms, but the spelling out of all government agencies is quite redundant and cumbersome.  National Security Agency could have been abbreviated to NSA after the first time.  Also, there were ALOT of agencies mentioned, as well as ALOT of different people.  The agencies got confusing (maybe would not have been if appreciations were used?) and the people had zero depth or character development so who was who got confusing as well.  Overall, I would have DNF'd this book eventually if for the storyline, then the writing and book itself.