A review by betsyrisen
The Hundred Loves of Juliet by Evelyn Skye


Benvolio laughs. “You are too much a romantic, Romeo. In fact, pray tell—which god are you dressed as? Might it be…Cupid?” “Tease me again, and I’ll shoot you straight through with an arrow,” I say. He only laughs harder. “You’re a hot-blooded fool, but that only makes you a true Montague. I’m going to fetch myself a drink. Can I trust you not to fall in love with yet another girl while I’m gone?”

This is *not* the type of book you'd usually see me reading. (I do like to read as much Shakespeare-centric material as possible, so obviously of course that's why I picked this up). I hate Romeo and Juliet. I mean, it's not my least favorite Shakespeare play, but it's down there. As I was reading and enjoying this book I thought, "huh. Maybe this is the universe trying to make me like R&J after all these years..."

This book packed a lot of characters in, but in a way that was easy to follow, and I didn't find any of them frustrating, which is a rarity for me. If you're looking for a romance novel you can read in a day or two, I'd recommend.