A review by readingmaria
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

challenging dark emotional informative inspiring reflective sad medium-paced


Britney has my entire heart 🌹😭💜 I can’t remember the last time I read a book and finished in the same day. 

Ok sure, the writing isn’t groundbreaking, but you know what, who cares? We all know it was a ghostwriter, as every celebrity uses one, but despite it I think the writer did a great job at keeping Britney’s voice and her words consistent throughout the entire memoir.

When we reach the part that covers the conservatorship, oh man. Those chapters were so rough to read. How her asshole dad fucked with her mind, the emotional abuse, her loss of love for life. I cannot imagine how hard it was for Britney to convey her words to a ghostwriter, then (most likely?) read what was written afterwards, reliving those dark years. Personally, I don’t care if Britney ever goes on tour again, I just want her to live her life and be HER.

Britney barely touches on Christina (really only mentions her a couple times, and once to say how she felt about the tour with Justin), which are her feelings that she’s totally allowed to have. She WAS a young woman at the time, at the top of the world, going through a public breakup after a traumatic abortion she didn’t feel like she should have done….

Jamie Lynne was mentioned a lot, especially towards the end. Her mother’s book tour…ya, she went there. Kevin’s tragic rap career. Post partum depression. How she got her start. The control she had with her music at the beginning. The paparazzi. Her disastrous Vegas run. Everything you could possibly want to read about Britney is in here.

If you’re a fan of hers, got caught up in the #FreeBritney movement, or just plain curious about this memoir - go for it. Read it and learn about Britney, especially that last part on her conservatorship. Her story is one of resiliency and healing.