A review by tolutolu9597
Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid


I cannot stress how badly I wish Daisy Jones and The Six were a real band because I am desperate to hear Honeycomb and Aurora ( the entire album mind).

I feel like it takes exceptional skill as an author to write about music without the aid of any actual music and be able to convey that feeling and how it speaks to the feelings of the characters in such a moving and thorough way. Taylor Jenkins Reid, however, steps up to the challenge and does it in the most magnificent of ways.

This book is Rock & Roll personified and it simply does not hold back on the realities that come with being a rock and roll legend. The constant battles between the music, your relationships with your band and your family and of course with the ''Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll'' Jenkins Reid could have written a fluffy piece filled with characters that are likeable because they are such good people but instead, she writes these people to be simply exceptional despite being often being terrible people. Daisy Jones and the Six is that much more impactful because of it.

Addiction plays such an integral part of this book and its so interesting the ways in which it's written about and it's hard to read but it is ultimately just so worthwhile to read. I don't necessarily enjoy reading about the topic but it was done in such a fantastic way here that I personally couldn't complain.

If I was going to say anything I didn't like about the book was the format was ever so slightly confusing at first reading it by audiobook, and I can imagine it might be slightly jarring to read it physically at first but I also think that the format is necessary for the book and I got used to it relatively quickly so it's easily forgivable. I almost don't want to complain about the format because I feel that it is so necessary to fully enjoy the twist towards the end of the book but in the spirit of full disclosure, I'll include it.

Spoiler I feel like this is kind of a spoiler (for both media's I'm about to talk about tbh) but I also feel like Taylor Jenkins Reid did with Daisy Jones and The Six what How I Met Your Mother writers THOUGHT they were doing. She takes a similar idea for the closure of a story of a group of people and just executes it in a spectacular way that is simply infinitely more impactful and touching than HIMYM (I loved that show and maybe I am just bitter about the ending but I SAID WHAT I SAID and I am sticking to it)

My favourite characters are easily Camilla and Simone I just felt a sense of familiarity with them and honestly, I would LOVE to have them as my friends because not only are they badass but they are simply amazing. Had a massive soft spot for Eddie too, I can't explain it but I did!!

ALSO THE AUDIOBOOK CAST OMG!! This was my first time reading and audiobook that had a full cast and I am glad that it was Daisy Jones that took my full cast virginity because it was simply AMAZING. Cannot stress this enough listen to the audiobook!! I also really appreciated the Honeycomb instrumental and I will be purchasing a physical copy so that I can have all the song lyrics too.